Friday, July 23, 2010


It always takes me awhile to get interested in things that are popular for instance when the ipod touch came out, I was like cool but no thanks, then after the popular phase dies down I get interested. So I just got an ipod touch a few weeks ago. I am the same way with popular stories, for example I didn’t start reading Harry Potter until the fifth book came out and I love them and can’t wait for the midnight showing of the seventh movie part one in November. The same thing happened for me with the Twilight series, all of the books were out and everyone kept talking about them, again I was thinking sounds a little interesting but no thanks. Then the fourth book came out and my mom, sisters and mother-in-law finally convinced me to read them and then about two weeks later the series was finished, I thought the books were fabulous because who can go wrong with magical creatures (I absolutely love any book or movie involving the genre fantasy). So here Mckenzie and I are at the midnight showing of Eclipse, the movies are cheesy but being a fan of the books you have to see the movies. I must say Eclipse is definitely my favorite one. Mckenzie, Mckay, and I bought tickets to see Twilight, New Moon in the theater before the midnight showing of Eclipse. It was actually more enjoyable being able to sit in the theater and plus we got great seats. We had fun with the movies and all of our goodies to keep us awake. Midnight showings are always my favorite but the most memorable one was the Star Wars Episode 3 midnight showing my loving husband (not at the time of course) started waiting in line at 4am the day before, but that is a story for another time J

Saturday, May 15, 2010

They're ONE

Now their cute little personalities come out. Jack is just a little boy wanting to discover new things. He dug right into that cake and got real messy (Debbie said Aaron acted just like Jack when he was little). Then there is little Avery who is just a sweet, little girl who is very prim and proper who didn't get too messy with her cake. I love my little niece and nephew they bring so much joy to our family. It was so much fun watching both of them eat their cake and open presents.

So they needed a little help from their parents!

Here is my niece Avery and nephew Jack on their first birthday parties! Well with most families it is tradition that on the first birthday to give the child a cake to see what they do with it. Based on these pictures at first both were a little confused and did not know what to do. They both were looking at mom or dad with the look of "help, what do I do?"

Friday, April 2, 2010

Snow Tunnel Building

We were at the cabin and there was tons of snow. We decided to go build a snow tunnel outside on the edge of the cabin. The ice was thick and snow was treacherous to get through we used shovels, hammers, racks, a hatched and a pot to get rid of the snow and ice for our tunnel. Adam and Meagan started at one end of the tunnel and Aaron and I started at the other end. A little side note: the day before we went downhill snow skiing and I wasn’t that sore but from shoveling snow my arms were killing me! Not only was it hard to shovel snow and ice but it was a really warm day outside and the sun was shinning. When we got a little ways into the tunnel, we started kicking through the ice and snow until finally both ends were connected, in celebration of our efforts we opened a bottle of sparkling apple cider, well at least attempted, we didn’t have a bottle opener so my lovely husband tried opening it with the hatched…it took a little longer. After a few touch ups in the tunnel, making the area bigger and getting rid of some more snow and ice, we all got out except for Adam he was still touching up a few more things when half of the tunnel collapsed on Adam who luckily had a helmet on because his wonderful fiancĂ© insisted he wear one (hip hip hooray for little Meagan!) he was alright. After our hard work we didn’t even really get to enjoy it, the sad part is guess who’s side of the tunnel collapsed? Let’s just say Aaron and I are not skilled snow tunnel builders.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where to start?

This is so lame I have had this blog for almost a year and have never written on it. Yikes!!! I am way behind. I don't know if anyone feels the same way but whenever I start writing in a journal or on something like this, I feel I need to catch up on things I have not written about then I get really overwhelmed and stop writing. So I am just going to start with today. A week of spring break and you would think that first grade children would be out of control, not obeying rules and so forth but today the kiddos were so mellow. They were listening, following directions, doing everything they were supposed to. It was a perfect first day back to school to kick off the last 45 days of the school year.

I am sure many of you can relate to this but Aaron and I are in the time of life where you are waiting to see how your future is going to turn out. In this particular situation, we are waiting to see if he will get into graduate school for clinical psychology. He applied to seven places and has received four rejection letters, went to two interviews in Oklahoma and Idaho and in both places he has been wait listed and we have yet to hear from UNM.

Those of you who haven’t experienced opening an acceptance/rejection letter here’s how it goes. When you get the letter you are extremely nervous to open it because you want so badly to get in. Once you open the letter the first thing you do is look for the congratulations part because you are assuming that there is no possible way you would be rejected. Then you skim the letter a little more closely and it says something like, “after much consideration we are sorry but you were not chosen.” Oh the dreadful words “sorry” then your nervous stomach that was up to your throat drops way down and you feel mad, sad, discouraged and a little depressed L Sad to say Aaron and I have experienced this feeling several times and now what’s left is just to wait to hear from UNM and to see if someone turns down the opportunity to go to Idaho or Oklahoma that would allow us the chance to go. One thing we always keep in mind is, even though we don’t know what is happening in our lives, It Will All Work Out!!!!