Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Decorations

The wreath I made hanging on the front door.

The outside of our house lit up with Christmas lights. This was funny we didn't have a ladder to hang up the lights...Aaron got some hooks you hang up with a broom stick. He was a little too short in some places so he either stood on the roof of his car or on a chair. It doesn't look to ghetto, we love it! :)

Our beautiful Christmas tree, it looks really small with our big ceilings. I took some pictures in the dark with the tree lit up but they are not downloading on my computer for some weird reason...I will keep you posted!

It was so fun this year decorating for Christmas in our very own house, We can't wait for next year decorating with a little one around :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Newphew #3

Omi holding her fourth grandchild. That was the first time I had seen him open his eyes :)

Granpa holding little Charlie.

Emily holding her precious son.

We are so excited to welcome Charlie into our family. We are so blessed to be his aunt and uncle. It is so fun having nieces and nephews we love each one of them so much. Before Thanksgiving we were really hoping that Emily would have the baby while we were home so we could meet little Charlie for the first time. We arrived Tuesday night to the Haslam household to tell everyone the exciting news that we were going to have a baby! Then after the exciting announcement Matt and Emily were off to the hospital. At about 12:40am we got the picture text of little Charlie. It was fun going the next day to see Jack meet his little brother for the first time and for us to see Charlie. It was great being able to go to the hospital because when Jack was born, Aaron and I were on a honeymoon to Kaui. We are so happy that mommy and Charlie continue to do well! Congratulations to the Roger Family!!!