Friday, January 27, 2012

IT'S A BOY!!!!

We decided it would be fun to make pizza tonight and spell out the great news!!!

We are so excited that we are having a little boy! Its funny because all along I was thinking maybe its a girl but Aaron always said its going to be a boy! The ultrasound tech asked, "do you want to find out?" of course we said, "yes!" and she said,"here are the testes and the penis!" Its funny that we are having a boy because for the past few weeks I have been reading conference talks everyday from October General Conference and all this week I was reading talks from the preisthood session and I was thinking why do I need to know about young men preparing to serve missions. Well I got my answer, I will be preparing this little guy to go on a mission! Also yesterday I was bored at work and decided to draw up so baby room ideas, I was coming up with loads of boy room ideas but not girls...this is why!!!!

His little foot, he has been kicking a lot lately it is so fun to feel!!!

His little legs were crossed! I love it!!

His cute little face!

The ultrasound went really well the doctor said everything looks good! He is weighing in at 1lb and 4oz right on track to be due at the beginning of the summer!

It was so fun seeing the baby on the Ultrasound today, it is so cool that we live in a time with technology that we are able to see this little guy!


  1. Congratulations, Danielle! What fun ultrasound pictures! I'll be sure to check out your blog from now on!

  2. He looks so cute in his first photo shoot! We are so excited for you guys!
